TLBP in collaboration with the Toluca Lake Chamber of Commerce is implementing the first Riverside Drive component of streetscape – the Toluca Lake Village Clock, a district identity marker. This 12-foot-tall clock will be illuminated, offer programmable music and chimes, and be situated on a raised pedestal. Additionally, the landscape area will be reconfigured to integrate two seating benches, lighting, and specialty concrete pavers to unify the space.
Transformation of a public parkway area into a community gathering space and district identity landmark. The “Toluca Lake District Clock” along with bench seating, LED lighting, specialty paving will enhance public safety and beautify the area.
- TL Beautification Partners
- Greater Toluca Lake Neighborhood Council
- TL Chamber of Commerce
- TL Homeowners Association
- TL Garden Club
- Council District 2
- Planning Dept.
- Public Works Dept.
- Office of Community Beautification
- Bureau of Street Services
- Chase Bank
- A & D Design, Inc.
- NBC Universal
Clock Founders Circle
Steve Hampar - Platinum | Craig Strong - Gold